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closing of the bones ceremony

I would like to acknowledge that closing of the bones ceremonies are sacred and have been passed down for generations. I am thankful that I am able to perform this ritual, in a sacred and respectful manner. I have deep appreciation for the women that have passed this tradition on and allow me to share it. 


Our bodies go through extensive changes throughout pregnancy and birth. Closing of the bones ceremony recognises these changes and helps guide you mentally, physically, and spiritually back into your body.


In many cultures it is common for women to to have a period of rest after their baby has been born. During this time it is common for other women in the community to care for the new mother. Unfortunately this is something the west has forgotten. 


Closing of the bones ceremony is a rite of passage for the women of Mexico. The ritual cleanses the mother and prepares her for integrating herself back into society after her period of confinement.


During a closing of the bones ceremony a comfortable sacred space is held for the mother. Depending on the space the mother will allow her emotions to flow through her, as she is treated to a herbal foot soak. This is the opportunity to let go of any negative emotions she may have, as water is a symbol of release and flow. The mother will then have her energy centres wrapped  with rebozos, as we call her spirit back into her body. 


Closing of the bones ceremony



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